Towards a Comprehensive Practice of Ayurveda


Panchakarma is presented as the main body cleansing program prior to any treatment of Ayurveda medicine, whose purpose may be: to promote health through the practice of dinacharya (daily) or Ritucharya (seasonal) regimes; preparing the body for rejuvenation therapy (Rasayana) and fertility (Vajikarana) treatment of disease by eliminating ama (waste) or Doshas (humors) or to prevent disease. Panchakarma therapies are divided into three groups: Purva Karma, Pradhana Karma and Paschata Karma. Purvakarma is descibed as Snehana and Swedana. Pradhanakarma include the therapies: Vamana, Virechana, Nasya and Basti. Other procedures include: Abhyanga, Vashpaswedanam, Shirodhara, Mukhlepa, Marma Massage, Patrapotali Pinda Sweda, Kati Vasti, Nasyam, Shirobasti, Pizhishil, Navarakhizhi, Udhavartana, Netra Tarpana. A comprehensive practice of Ayurveda requires the domain of Ashtanga Ayurveda (The 8 parts of this spiritual science), to indicate the necessary therapies for each case (individual), by qualified professionals from accredited institutions, in order to practice Ayurveda inducing to Learn about the “spirit of renouncement” to realize one never truly owns anything, having a human experience. Actions of the Ayurveda-Today Program (ATDP) approaching to Chilean universities, aimed at exploring the formation of academic staff able to generate research to strengthen Ayurveda and teaching undergraduate, starting from its postgraduates from areas of Medicine, Nutrition, Kinesiology and Agronomy, among others. Ayurveda-Today Study Groups (ATDSG) model allows this strategy, whose performance is guided by Ayurveda teachers or Ayurveda-Tutors from India, which may guide the development of particular ATDSG at each university that associates with ATDP. Some policy criteria of Chilean universities with accredited schools of medicine in Chile are mentioned and two possible areas for University-ATDP cooperation are presented, which are: Postgraduate program design and Extension activities program.

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Ayurveda-Today Programme

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One Response to “Towards a Comprehensive Practice of Ayurveda”


    […] highlights the importance of addressing the science of health as an integral practice, starting by Panchakarma, whose main objective is the detoxification of the physical or gross body, and which massage plays […]

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